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How to set up a Money Earn Website ?

  • Creator
  • #939

      When you set up a money website, you need to promote it. There are lot of promotion methods. Following is the basic method to promote it:

      1 – No spam
      This is the cardinal rule of Netiquette. Mass, unsolicited e-mail is not acceptable, anywhere, for any reason. There are hundreds of hustlers out there trying to sell you databases and software that you can use to spam, but don’t believe their promises. Spamming will make enemies for you, not friends. It can also get you barred from large ISPs, crippling your traffic.

      2 – Never sell out big for submission services.
      Submit your site to 500 search engines for $19.95! Bad deal. There aren’t 500, or even 100, search engines worth submitting to. The 19.95ers simply run your URL through an auto-submitter (like or, which you can do yourself for free. If you want a professional to submit your site, plan on spending a few hundred bucks at most, which should buy you a careful and thorough job.

      3 – Never waste time on the flotsam and jetsam of the Web.
      Submit your site to the major search engines and directories, perhaps using one of the auto-submitters for some, and doing others individually. There are about 30 that are worth submitting to. Then seek out specialized directories that are appropriate for your site (travel, investment, shopping, country-specific, etc.). Don’t waste time with obscure search engines and kids’ links pages. There are billions of pages like this, but they get zilcho traffic. Your time is better spent carefully crafting your submission to Yahoo.

      4 – Don’t try to rush through your Yahoo submission.
      Yahoo is by far the most important directory, and the hardest to get into. Submissions are reviewed by real editors, so follow the instructions to the letter, and really try to convince them that your site is a useful resource. Some good tips are to be found on the rather obscure page called “My Site on Yahoo,” and also has some good Yahoo tips.

      5 – Dont submit your site until it’s open for business.
      Test your site thoroughly, and make sure every section is complete before you begin submitting. Most surfers will never return to a URL where they found a dead link or an “under construction” sign.

      6 – It is imperative to integrate your URL into your business.
      It’s amazing how many companies spend big bucks to build a Web site, then balk at the cost of printing new business cards to include the URL. Your Web site URL should be on every piece of company media from letterheads to coffee cups – anywhere that a phone number would be included.

      7 – Keep away from messing with black magic.
      There are a lot of sneaky tricks discussed in the various Web promotion newsgroups and mailing lists, that claim to improve your search engine rankings. Loading your page with invisible keywords, creating special “doorway” pages with magic dust on them, and secret programs (for $19.95) that “force-feed” your page to search engines. Don’t fool with it. The search engines and directories wage an ongoing battle against those who would “beat the system,” and they can and will bar you if they suspect you of “spamming” them. Do use META tags, keywords in titles and body text, and that sort of thing, but don’t overdo it, and always follow the submission rules.

      8 – Never put sth(something in return) in your Web site directory that you don’t want the public to see.
      Most of us have a few “test” pages, or perhaps pages of personal material, that we keep on our Web server, but that isn’t meant to be seen by the public. Straight search engines like Excite and Altavista, however, will automatically “spider” and index every page on your site, unless you tell them not to. Create a text file called “robots.txt,” and place it in your Web site’s root directory (usually the “htdocs” directory). This file has a list of pages or directories that you want to keep the spiders out of, and it looks something like this:

      User-agent: *
      Disallow: /test/
      Disallow: /temporary/
      Disallow: /templates/

      This tells all visiting spiders not to fool with any of the 3 named directories. Note that the directory names must end with a “/”.

      9 – Don’t ignore to measure your traffic.
      Some wise man said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Be sure to keep your server log files safe, and use the software tool of your choice to analyze them. Your ISP may offer one or more free tools for your use. Getstats is one popular free one. If you can shell out a few hundred bucks, high-powered traffic analysis packages like Hit List or Web Trends can really help you boost your traffic by telling you how many hits are coming from each search engine, and what keywords people are searching on to reach your site.

      10 – Don’t stop promoting your site it is an ongoing process. 
      Once you’ve made your submissions, check back a month later, and you’ll find that some of them didn’t take. Resubmit as necessary, but don’t overdo it. Always be on the lookout for new sites that might be willing to give you a link, and for new (but legitimate and preferably free) promotion opportunity.

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    • Author
    • #940

      The following factors help you to promote your business

      1) Submit website in Ad Classified sites

      2) Video promotions

      3) Through forums you can promote

      4) Link exchange with niche related websites

      5) Social Networking sites
      You can promote your business on social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, linked in, etc.  You start by creating a page bearing the name of your business website. Update it with your business information and accompany with images and videos about your business. Ensure you have a responsive site where you can respond to any queries from your clients. Invite as many friends to like your page and you can keep updating on a daily basis.

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