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Nailing Search Engine Optimization

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  • #964

    Modern SEO is nothing like what you may have read about on forums. It’s not about kitschy tricks or ways to game the system, it’s about building genuinely good content and delivering it on a regular basis. That’s it. That’s what Google wants from all its listings in the modern Internet era. Couldn’t be simpler. Even so, people will insist on making it hard, so a few specifics, from the Google blog itself:

    Design pages and blogs for use by users first, search engines second.
    That being said, mobile indexing is a newish thing, so make sure your mobile site is up to snuff. That is what Google is now indexing on first.

    Build a site that’s unique and really shows what your company’s about.
    This is where brand marketing can be really useful, plus you get a chance to bring a little personality to your company.

    Aim for original content.
    It’s easy to go out on the web and copy and paste in articles you like to build out your site. But don’t. Not only is this plagiarism of the highest level, Google will rank you lower for having “duplicate content.” Developing original content with the help of a professional writer can be a really great way to segue into social media, which can also help improve your SEO!

    There’s a lot that you need to know about SEO if you’re going to brave it alone, but there are great resources out there to help you stay on top of the news. Keep a close eye on the Google Webmaster Central Blog for updates and announcements as they happen and sites like Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal for more in-depth discussions of how changes to different algorithms may affect how you’re doing SEO today and tomorrow.

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