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Choosing the best Joomla hosting for website

Joomla is one of the most famous content management systems on the market. Completely free, it allows you to easily build and manage a content-rich website. Although a little programming experience can go a step further, you do not have to be a web developer to have a rewarding experience with this user-friendly software. Joomla is a very powerful CMS and its amazing flexibility makes it an excellent choice to increase your web presence. But before you go any further, you are invited to read these few recommendations to help you choose the best Joomla hosting.

Define your needs:

For your Joomla website, you probably want to do what is best. But finding the best web hosting pcmag service is an almost impossible goal. It is best, in people opinion, to find the one that will best fit your needs. This one will probably be the one that will come closest to the goal. This is an important role in everyday life and can also apply in the case of selecting a web hosting service. Before choosing a hosting company, you need to have a clear understanding of your personal needs. This understanding will lead you to make the best decision for you.

For that, here are answers of four important questions whose answers will condition and facilitate your decision-making process.

What is the traffic volume of the future website? 

The traffic volume of a website is one of the main aspects to select a secure WordPress hosting company. You must have a clear view of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly level of traffic to your website and the likely evolution of it.

What space does your future website need?

The space that will occupy your website on the server is a very important factor for the host. The larger the volume, the more space your site will need. Maybe you’ll even need a dedicated server for your site.

How fast does your future website need?

Today, the speed of posting is a key factor for a website. This is even one of the criteria taken into account by Google for SEO. Suffice to say that it is crucial for your project to take into account this data in the choice of your host.

What does the traffic of your future site mean to you?

This question should be your first concern in order of your personal needs. But you voluntarily put it last because the other three points are no less important to it. Ask yourself how much money and how many visitors do you accept to lose if your site is inaccessible for an hour, a day or longer?

Now that you have figured out the basics of your ideal hosting by answering these preliminary questions, let’s take a look at what are the main solutions for pcmag web hosting.

A hosting, yes but which one

After evaluating and determining your personal web hosting requirements, you will have to choose pc magazine best web hosting. Apart from the free accommodations and to simplify this part, be aware that there are mainly four types of accommodation available on the market that is given below:

Shared hosting: Without a doubt, the most common type of accommodation and also, the cheapest. Most people get started with these types of services that are suitable for the majority of cases and websites in circulation. In this configuration, your website will be placed on a server with hundreds of other websites. You will have some space that will be limited. Another advantage, you do not have to worry about the configuration of the server.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS): This is the next step of shared hosting. This type of hosting uses virtualization software to run multiple websites on the same physical server. You will be the only one to use your virtual server. Technically, your site is installed on a shared server, but the virtualization software makes it possible to offer the feeling of being on a dedicated server. Although costing more, it usually works faster.

The dedicated server: You enter the big leagues with the dedicated server. In this configuration, your site has its own server. Here you do not need to share a server with other websites. On this type of server, you get much higher display speeds. Finally, if your site receives tons of visitors, this is the solution you need.

 The Cloud: This is the latest solution for web hosting. The site is hosted on a single server and copies are placed on multiple servers at different locations around the world. This service has quickly become popular because it significantly reduces the response time of sites. Cloud hosting allows you to change your server configuration at any time by paying only for what you have actually used.


Before making a final decision to choose your future web hosting partner, there are several important factors to know and consider.

If the server goes down, your website will no longer be online as you continue to pay for this service while losing visitors and potential customers. This is typically the kind of case you need to check before choosing your next web host.

Prerequisites:  Joomla is a CMS that requires some technical architecture to work properly. You must make sure that your next web host meets these criteria before you commit.

Reputation: It’s an important element in the business world. Even if a host offers you a clear and attractive offer, you will not sign with him if he is not trustworthy. Check how long the hosting company is in this industry and what is their reputation in the Joomla community. Reading customer reviews is often enlightening.

Expertise Joomla: This is not an insignificant detail in choosing a web host. Since your site will be built with Joomla, you must choose a host who knows and also masters this CMS. It will be better able to intervene in case of problems and will probably propose solutions in terms of security more quickly.

Prepare for the future: Today you build your website with Joomla. Tomorrow, you may need more space on the server, you may need to create sub domains, have other domain names, and so on. Make sure your host can support you according to your future needs.

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