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What is a DNS, how does it work, what is it for?

Some notions of computer science are particularly opaque to those who are not familiar with the things of technology. But whether we understand them or not, some of these bricks are essential to the proper functioning of your everyday use of the Internet.


The DNS is a perfect example of this state of affairs. Nobody knows what it is, many do not care, but everyone needs it and uses it every day. Without DNS servers, the internet, you know would not exist, and you could only access sites and services that you already know, and still, not all the time, and not forever. Without a DNS system, there would be no Web.

What is DNS?

DNS is the acronym for Domain Name Service. It’s a network IT service that matches a domain name or URL to an IP address, in other words: it’s the internet directory. The DNS is, therefore, a service that will manage something related to domain names. A domain name, to put it simply, is the part of a URL (internet address or email), which will send you to a particular computer; in this case, you call this computer, a server.

Why Buy a Domain Name for Your Website?

Currently, there are more than 250 million unique domain name registration worldwide. 1 in 10 Internet users has their own domain name.  These data show the importance of buying your own domain name. If you are still not convinced that you should take yours, read on.

Why do you need one?

Buy domain name is simple, relatively inexpensive and accessible to all. What are the benefits of a domain name?

  • The domain name will be part of your corporate identity.
  • Gives a prominent professional prestige.
  • Make your site easier for your visitors.
  • It gives customizable email accounts.
  • Optimize your site in search engines (useful for SEO).

Each of these factors enables simple and effective communication with customers, suppliers, and partners. Read on to learn how to choose the perfect name for your website.

The dangers of being without a domain name:

What can happen if you hesitate to register your domain name? Prepare for the worst!

  1. Dangers of speculation: The most dramatic situation can occur when someone files your Domain name before you. Imagine that your subdomain is “” and someone is registering the name “”. You have to prepare for the following two scenarios: either a speculator has bought the name and then wants to sell it for a much higher price, or the worst is your competitor who owns your domain name. In the latter case, it is much more complicated to resume your domain name (even perhaps impossible).
  2. You do not believe in SEO optimization: If you belong to this group of people who are not paying attention to optimizing their website for search engines, you can consider yourself a brave one. But perhaps the most appropriate term is unwise. Those who are concerned about SEO optimization in their marketing strategy know perfectly well how it will be beneficial to domain name reigistration.
  3. You have remained without a password: What can happen if you forget the connection details of your email account? Nothing good. If you do not have a way to recover access data, you can say goodbye to your account as much as your business. Registering a domain names for sale will have the ability to have your own email accounts, eliminating the risk of loss.
  4. Who will remember the name of your website?

Keep in mind that long email addresses are hard to remember (especially with more than 1 or 2 words). So imagine a domain name, however, it’s up to you to decide if you want to write all the words together, separated by dots or dashes:

Here are some of the domain name examples:

  • com
  1. Free e-mails relaunch suspicion: Some companies use a free email system (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). Take for example these two addresses “[email protected]” and “[email protected]”. Which one do you think is more serious? The first of course. Do you still think that registering a domain is secondary? Register your domain name before someone else does it for you.

The benefits of a domain name strategy:

Domain names have an important role in the traffic and visibility of a website. Domain names convey the identity and image of the company and help improve the referencing of the website. It is therefore essential to determine a domain name strategy.

What are the benefits of a domain name strategy? 

Having a domain name strategy that works well can bring many benefits, including increased traffic and sales to your site. There are currently 1.6 billion users around the world, this figure is constantly increasing. A good domain name system will allow companies to expand their marketing campaigns and increase their traffic and sales. Google is favoritism in its ranking for domain names that contain keywords, it is a fact well known in the world of SEO. If your Domain name is near or exact from the keyword search, the chances of this site being ranked well are very high. Google seems to deliberately favor this kind of technique.

Choose the right domain:

It is difficult to find the right domain name availability; it is not enough to think about a Domain name, it must also ensure that it is not already taken. Here are some tips for looking for a good domain name:

  • Think about generic domains, they are better at promoting your brand and propelling your business as the leader in your industry
  • Look for a keyword-rich domain name
  • Opt for a domain extension that correlates with your target. You do not have to buy a domain name if your target is only the French market.
  • Make sure your domain names meaning is memorable.
  • Dynamic and catchy.
  • Visitors are more likely to memorize a catchy name.
  • Do not use weird spelling (Except if it’s the name of a brand).

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