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Why You Should Use WordPress Hosting?

Having a website is a must for any business in the 21st century. Technology is changing the way we do things and you should not be left behind. In the past, you could easily get new clients by passing a few flyers. Even though, traditional marketing works, you increase your chances when you market online. A website is an ideal way to reach new prospects and connect with existing ones. Things have changed and most of your clients spend their time online.  You need an online presence if you want to make it in business.

With websites comes hosting. It will not be possible to reach your entrepreneurial dreams if you do not have a hosted website. There are many hosting company’s making it hard to choose the right one.  One of the hosting platforms is WordPress. WordPress is very popular and it is for good reasons. If you are wondering why you should get the free WordPress hosting, here are a few reasons.


Website performance is a very big deal. If your site performs slowly, it may reduce your chances of getting visitors. The faster is the Better for your business. WordPress has it’s system requirements. The system requirements determine how the software functions. WordPress software ensures that the software configuration, firmware, hardware are compatible so that everything runs effectively.

Thus, you do not have to worry about performance issues. In case they system does not function as required; your site may experience occasional crashes or be out of service for a while. When your site is out of service, it affects the visitor experience.  With WordPress hosting that is sorted out so that you can focus on other important things for your business.

Comes with pre-installed WordPress

The other thing you will probably love about WordPress hosting is that it comes with a pre-installed WordPress platform. You can get started right away. No wasting time. You will not spend time downloading and installing the CMS. All you have to do is pay for your preferred plan and you are ready to get the much needed online presence. You will also not have to worry about compatibility issues.

Automatic updates from wordPress

Using cheapest WordPress hosting gives you access to the automatic updates. These can really come in handy. The updates often come with bug fixes and numerous improvements. The automatic ensures that your site is up to date. Failing to update your site can have serious effects. It may lead to your site being exposed to external security threats. Also there are times when the hosting company Maya be incompatible with newer WordPress versions. However, it is a rare occurrence. In case it happens, you will be required to get turn off the automatic updates.

Cloud based hosting

You will love this one. WordPress hosting is based on the cloud. You will enjoy all the benefits of cloud hosting. Some of the benefits include a high level of reliability, and scalability. With cloud hosting, you do not have to be worried about your site failing. You will always be online; no downtime. Furthermore, having your site in the cloud increases your chances of the website loading at very fast speeds. You will get more visitors since the site loads quickly.

Security and backup

WordPress hosting gives you the option to include backup and security. Your website will backup automatically. You will have something to rely on in case of disaster. WordPress hosting also has site lock. It monitors your site to check for security threats and malware. It will notify you to take action. With site lock, you can configure it to deal with security threats automatically. Thus, you can rest easy knowing that your site is secure. You will not have to deal with other important matters about your business.

Pre installed jetpack plugin

Plugins are a vital component of WordPress. Plugins can help you to manage any task. One of the plugins is jetpack. The plugin will be useful fit different functions such as lazy loading, provisioning of the WordPress themes, and marketing services. The plugin is also useful in payment gateway integrations and high end security for your site. WordPress hosting comparison makes it easier to manage your site.

Managed services

The other reason why you need to have a WordPress hosting is managed services. It means that WordPress will take care of the site maintenance. Managed services includes different activities such as scalability of hosting resources like storage space, RAM and CPU. You will require more resources as your website grows. You will need more resources to handle the huge traffic. However, you can rely on the WordPress team to take care of everything. The management team will take care of the specifics. So, you will only focus on improving your site.

Optimization of the WordPress database is yet another managed services you get. WordPress holds vital information about your site like the posts, pages, firm entries,theme settings, and plugin settings.  The database will become bulky as the site grows. As a result, your site may become slow. If you want to have  a site that loads faster, you may want to optimize it. Optimizing your site will make it load faster and improve your site’s speed. The managed cpanel hosting will handle the site optimization and will ensure that your site has a fast speed. Your intervention will not be needed in the site optimization.

That’s it.  These are the reasons why you should go for WordPress hosting. You stand to benefit a lot when using by the WordPress hosting. It is suitable for sites of different sizes. Now you do not have to look anywhere else for WordPress hosting service. The WordPress team will take care of everything in your site and you will only have to handle the posts. You now have more reasons to use WordPress to host your site. The customer service is also friendly in case you encounter any issues along the way. So, there is nothing stopping you for hosting with WordPress.

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